:  Halos

This table contains the MXXL halo lightcone catalogue from Smith et al (2017). This catalogue covers the full sky and extends to z=2.2, with halo mass resolution limit 1e11 Msun/h.

mxxl_id long Halo ID from the MXXL simulation
snap integer Snapshot number from the MXXL simulation
ra float degrees Right ascension
dec float degrees Declination
z_cos float Cosmological redshift, without peculiar velocity
z_obs float Observed redshift, with peculiar velocity
M200c float 1e10Msun/h Mass enclosed by a sphere in which the average density is 200 times the critical density of the Universe
M200m float 1e10Msun/h Mass enclosed by a sphere in which the average density is 200 times the mean density of the Universe
vdisp float km/sec Velocity dispersion of particles within R200mean
vmax float km/sec Maximum circular velocity
rvmax float Mpc/h Radius at which maximum circular velocity occurs