:  Kitzbichler2006abcdef_Obs

These six views named Kitzbichler2006a_Obs - Kitzbichler2006f_Obs combine the observables from the Kitzbichler & White (2006) Johnson and SDSS tables. The sql creating these views was

 create view Kitzbichler2006a_Obs as 
  select j.objectId, j.galaxyId, j.ra,j.dec, j.redshift_obs,j.cos_inc
  ,      j.M_B_stellar/j.M_stellar  as bulge2total
  ,      j.B_J,j.V_J,j.R_J,j.I_J,j.K_J,s.g_SDSS,s.r_SDSS,s.i_SDSS,s.z_SDSS 
    from MPAMocks..Kitzbichler2006a_Johnson j
    ,    MPAMocks..Kitzbichler2006a_SDSS s 
   where j.objectId = s.objectId
and similar for the other views.

All have the following schema:

objectIDlongUnique ID which encodes the cone directions and observer position plus a sequential number within each cone.
galaxyIDlongID which allows to join light-cone table to galaxy table DeLucia2006a.
rafloatdegreeright ascension
redshift_obsfloatapparent redshift
cos_incfloatcosine of inclination angle
bulge2totfloatbulge/total stellar mass ratio
B_JfloatObserver frame apparent (AB) magnitude in Johnson B filter (with dust)
V_JfloatObserver frame apparent (AB) magnitude in Johnson V filter (with dust)
R_JfloatObserver frame apparent (AB) magnitude in Johnson R filter (with dust)
I_JfloatObserver frame apparent (AB) magnitude in Johnson I filter (with dust)
K_JfloatObserver frame apparent (AB) magnitude in Johnson K filter (with dust)
g_SDSSfloatObserver frame apparent (AB) magnitude in SDSS g filter (with dust)
r_SDSSfloatObserver frame apparent (AB) magnitude in SDSS r filter (with dust)
i_SDSSfloatObserver frame apparent (AB) magnitude in SDSS i filter (with dust)
z_SDSSfloatObserver frame apparent (AB) magnitude in SDSS z filter (with dust)