Starting job 5798046 at Mon 12 Sep 16:21:41 BST 2022 for user dc-brow5.
Running on nodes: m7447

    __    __     __  __     ______     __     ______      
   /\ "-./  \   /\ \/\ \   /\  ___\   /\ \   /\  ___\  
   \ \ \-./\ \  \ \ \_\ \  \ \___  \  \ \ \  \ \ \____ 
    \ \_\ \ \_\  \ \_____\  \/\_____\  \ \_\  \ \_____\ 
     \/_/  \/_/   \/_____/   \/_____/   \/_/   \/_____/ 

                            this is music! version 1.53

 - Version was compiled for double precision.

 - Opening log file './ics_halo_template.param_log.txt'.
 - Using k-space sampled transfer functions...
 - Selecting transfer function plug-in 'camb_file'...
 - Reading tabulated transfer function data from file 
 - CAUTION: make sure that this transfer function 
	 has been output for z=127.000000!
 - Read CAMB transfer function table with 371 rows
 - starting at a=0.0078125
 - Selecting region generator plug-in 'box'...
 - Selecting random number generator plug-in 'MUSIC'...
 - refinement region is 'box', w/ bounding box
        left = [0.863200,0.862450,0.153650]
       right = [1.016000,1.098150,0.314550]
 - Domain will be shifted by (-112, -122, 68)

 - Grid structure:
     Level   8 :   offset = (    0,     0,     0)
                     size = (  256,   256,   256)
     Level   9 :   offset = (  108,    98,   107)
                     size = (   80,   124,    84)
     Level  10 :   offset = (    1,     1,     0)
                     size = (  158,   244,   166)
     Level  11 :   offset = (    1,     1,     1)
                     size = (  314,   484,   330)
 - Finest level :
                   extent =  3833.01 x 5908.2 x 4028.32 h-3 kpc**3
                 mtotgrid =  7.07105e+12 h-1 M_o
            particle mass =  117620 h-1 M_o
         baryon mass/cell =  23372.5 h-1 M_o
                       dx =  12.207 h-1 kpc
 - Selecting output plug-in 'gadget2'...
 - Found 0 density constraint(s) to be obeyed.
 - Generating random numbers (2) with seed 19720105
 - Generating random numbers w/ sample cube size of 32
 - Generating random numbers w/ sample cube size of 32
 - Generating a constrained random number set with seed 62859081
    using coarse mode replacement...
 - Generating random numbers w/ sample cube size of 32
 - Generating a constrained random number set with seed 51957129
    using coarse mode replacement...
 - Generating random numbers w/ sample cube size of 32
 - Generating a constrained random number set with seed 15195709
    using coarse mode replacement...
 - Using k-space transfer function kernel.
 - Performing noise convolution on level   8
   - Performing density convolution... (256, 256, 256)
 - Performing noise convolution on level   9...
   - Performing density convolution... (264, 264, 264)
 - Performing noise convolution on level  10...
   - Performing density convolution... (504, 504, 504)
 - Performing noise convolution on level  11...
   - Performing density convolution... (984, 984, 984)
 - Density calculation took 133.89s with 4 threads.
 - Top grid mean density is off by 2.87971e-08, correcting...
 - Invoking multi-grid Poisson solver...
 - Converged in 4 steps to 3.74403e-06
 - Poisson solver took 26.5366s with 4 threads.
 - Computing 2LPT term....
 - Solving 2LPT Poisson equation
 - Invoking multi-grid Poisson solver...
 - Converged in 4 steps to 4.31157e-06
 - Poisson solver took 26.4228s with 4 threads.
   - Performing hybrid Poisson step... (968, 968, 968)
 - Using k-space transfer function kernel.
 - Performing noise convolution on level   8
   - Performing density convolution... (256, 256, 256)
 - Performing noise convolution on level   9...
   - Performing density convolution... (264, 264, 264)
 - Performing noise convolution on level  10...
   - Performing density convolution... (504, 504, 504)
 - Performing noise convolution on level  11...
   - Performing density convolution... (984, 984, 984)
 - Density calculation took 135.123s with 4 threads.
 - Top grid mean density is off by 6.05557e-09, correcting...
 - Invoking multi-grid Poisson solver...
 - Converged in 4 steps to 2.54458e-06
 - Poisson solver took 26.7693s with 4 threads.
 - Writing baryon potential
 - Invoking multi-grid Poisson solver...
 - Converged in 4 steps to 5.31711e-06
 - Poisson solver took 26.8209s with 4 threads.
   - Performing hybrid Poisson step... (968, 968, 968)
 - Using k-space transfer function kernel.
 - Performing noise convolution on level   8
   - Performing density convolution... (256, 256, 256)
 - Performing noise convolution on level   9...
   - Performing density convolution... (264, 264, 264)
 - Performing noise convolution on level  10...
   - Performing density convolution... (504, 504, 504)
 - Performing noise convolution on level  11...
   - Performing density convolution... (984, 984, 984)
 - Density calculation took 132.892s with 4 threads.
 - Top grid mean density is off by 3.1019e-08, correcting...
 - Invoking multi-grid Poisson solver...
 - Converged in 4 steps to 2.10487e-06
 - Poisson solver took 26.3958s with 4 threads.
 - Invoking multi-grid Poisson solver...
 - Converged in 5 steps to 6.98358e-07
 - Poisson solver took 33.1391s with 4 threads.
   - Performing hybrid Poisson step... (968, 968, 968)
 - max. x-displacement of HR particles is 3.406369 [mean dx]
 - max. y-displacement of HR particles is 5.762689 [mean dx]
 - max. z-displacement of HR particles is -3.454852 [mean dx]
 - Using k-space transfer function kernel.
 - Performing noise convolution on level   8
   - Performing density convolution... (256, 256, 256)
 - Performing noise convolution on level   9...
   - Performing density convolution... (264, 264, 264)
 - Performing noise convolution on level  10...
   - Performing density convolution... (504, 504, 504)
 - Performing noise convolution on level  11...
   - Performing density convolution... (984, 984, 984)
 - Density calculation took 136.449s with 4 threads.
 - Top grid mean density is off by 4.54412e-09, correcting...
 - Invoking multi-grid Poisson solver...
 - Converged in 4 steps to 3.18153e-06
 - Poisson solver took 26.5942s with 4 threads.
 - Invoking multi-grid Poisson solver...
 - Converged in 5 steps to 3.22642e-07
 - Poisson solver took 33.0999s with 4 threads.
   - Performing hybrid Poisson step... (968, 968, 968)
 - Gadget2 : writing 117141164 particles to file...
 -       type   0 :     50152080 [m=2.33725e-06]
 -       type   1 :     50152080 [m=1.1762e-05]
 -       type   2 :     16837004 [m=0]
 - Gadget2 : set initial gas temperature to 224.44 K/mu
 - Wrote output file './ics.LE'
     using plugin 'gadget2'...
 - Done!